Thursday, January 21, 2010

chill out tent

so my new found Carpe Diem attitude took a kick to the groin today when while trying to by some cereal and lemonade at the university food court ally ran up to me and asked why wasnt i in THEA 220. "well" i replied "because i was in another class at the same time." " but you need thea 220 to qualify for the theatre bfa."

que panic and crying

turns out the class my advisor told me to take in that time slot was not as important as the class ally was referring to.

why is this so ridiculous? because the class i need to be in. the class my advisor TOLD ME NOT TO TAKE is taught by my advisor. he's retiring at the end of this year so im assuming he's just doing this to fuck with me.

this the song that got me through today almost in one piece. god, i wish i was at some music fest laughing at hipsters right now

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

thats a wrap

first day done.

woke up starving and craving oatmeal. which is weird but moving on...

while in the hall waiting for my second class of the day on of the token musical theatre gay boy stormed out of the previous class crying. ITS THE FIRST DAY! anyway, it turns out he had an argument in class with his identical looking(seriously i can barely tell them apart) roommate about sleeping with the tv on. a serious enough argument about wasting electricity at night it brought on a full diva fit by 10am.

the rest of the day consisted of look at syllabus-panic about cost of text book. just copy and paste that about 4 times.

when i got to opera rehearsal i had to ask myself "who are these people?" answer: music majors-the only people more socially awkward than theatre majors. but i will admit they have something on me. i feel like a total fraud being in an opera and not being able to read music. im bitter my parents never put me in piano lessons but for a lot of my life that just wasn't viable option financially. i can match pitches just fine but when i look at the music score its like reading latin, which is unfortunate because some of the lyrics are in latin.

we'll see how this goes.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

back in the habit

tomorrow begins another semester. i'll will try my darndest to get back and really devote myself to it. and also try not to strangel any freshmen who breaks into song.

also, did i mention i'm in an opera this semester and i play a nun.

and i'm doing a burlesque show.

bring it.